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11 life hacks that help you determine if you should quit your job or not?

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Lately, have you been going through some weird thoughts of quitting your job! Not because you don’t like your work but may be due to some other unfathomable reasons that are unrelated to it. Are you at a juncture where you ask yourself a question daily if you should continue what you’re doing or find a passion through which you can achieve great success.

Finding an answer to these complicated questions hasn’t been easy, has it? It won’t be. Many professionals ask themselves a basic question, “Should I quit my job or find ways to make it interesting?”.  
Many of your friends and colleagues will give you many different advises from quitting to a way around to get past that urge to call it quits. And you should ponder upon each of them very carefully to decide whether to leave or hang around. These 9 life hacks that will help you determine if you should quit your job or find ways to make it interesting. 

Identify the real reason. You should make a list and separate personal and professional reasons you think are affecting your decision making. Sometimes, causes are poor sleep, hectic schedules and long hours of travels that makes your job difficult. In other cases, the monotony of work, no appreciations and bad managers are the culprits that push to the edge.

Evaluate yourself. First and foremost, you should know your skills and evaluate your performance. Go through your job description a couple of times and check how many from the mentioned KRAs are ticked by it. This will give you a fair idea of where you are and what you are doing in terms of your skills and jobs.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. 

Give it a go. If you’ve just started a job, then take your time to absorb details and workplace. Don’t let new work ideas and job requirements dissuade you. It's normal if you get disappointed with your work. You can also find motivation methods other than money to check your determination about your work.

Try new solutions. Getting to change your place sometimes makes a difference or changing your routine or colleagues to hang out with. Find yourself some other work related activity to keep yourself busy. Participate in competitions that are offered at your workplace to bond and meet new colleagues.

Hone your skills. Get into a training course. You can enroll into a skill upgrade or a training course which is on offer at your workplace. You can even learn through tutorials and add it to your armory to fire new darts at your goals.

In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take.- Unknown author

Find new challenges. Once you’ve done above mentioned hacks, try to search for new challenges or tasks which you haven’t done before. It will boost your confidence and morale and will also get attention from the management (I can vouch for that.).

Adventure without risks is like Disneyland.- Doug Coupland 

Speak to your mentor.  There are few people in the world who are better at advising. Their wise words can help you navigate through rough seas you are going through. Speak with your mentors or managers. Also, your family members. After all, you need their support to overcome a new challenge.

Make a backup plan. You should prepare yourself for the eventualities if you really want to quit. Select a date and a month when you will shoot the arrow (resignation email) to your management. Make a to-do list of handovers, meetings and exit interviews in your final days.

If it doesn't work, it's not a failure, it's data. - Dorie Clarke 

Make financial arrangements. Get your finances checked and make appropriate arrangements for full and final salary to get credited and provident fund (PF) withdrawals, as many employees quit on the spot and don’t take their PF for years and it gets underutilized.

Calling it quits. Line up interviews before you send your resignation email. It is advisable to make informed decisions in your career. And before you do all that please select a job and take an offer letter which meets to your satisfaction or you will wind on the same staircase.

You can quit your job but you can't quit your calling. - Lissa Rankin

Collect an offer letter.  This is the most important part you must do. Acquire a new job. Negotiate a pay package and stick to your grounds to get the best possible take home salary. Once you are satisfied with it, go and collect an offer letter that will ensure you are fully secure for your new innings in your career.  

 You should know that “Nothing is worth it if you are not happy with it.” 

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