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How to find your passion? 6 tricks to excel in your career

Working only for money? Do all people work for money? Think again, It's time you find your passion to excel.

Some say Money is the biggest motivator and some even go farther equating money with happiness. But not all of us agree with this opinion. There are those who take a different take to their lives and careers, they are called people with ‘Passion’. 

For them money is only a paper to run their lives smoothly, their “Work” the thing that they love doing is the real and only motivator. They are defined and cherished for their success fueled by their passion. An imposing problem for all of us is how can we achieve success through our passion.

While love can be spontaneous, passion is a bit subtle and manifest itself with time.

Passion can’t be defined in one word. Still, you can try to summarize it as something closest to your heart. It is not only the root cause for many innovations and inventions but also one of the most critical emotion a human can have, some even put it higher than the emotion of ‘Love’.

Every one of us is unique, so is our passion. If you look closely and observe, most people love doing the tasks and jobs that they do no matter how menial they are. But, can you describe that as their passion? 
In order to achieve success and joy, you need to identify your passion and its purpose. But the bigger question is how do you identify the purpose behind your passion?

Identify your purpose

All who wander are not lost they are just searching for a purpose of traveling or to find a perfect spot for a stopover in their journeys. We must admit, most of us have no clue what we want to do with our lives at school or even when we’ve spent half of life working.

It’s a struggle that each of us has to go through, “What do I want to do with my life?” or worst “What am I doing here?” may strike a chord with many who are bewildered with their lives or careers which essentially says how aimless some of us have become, constantly drifting and shifting where life takes us rather than leading our life on our terms. We need to change it by finding a purpose for our lives.

The concept of “life’s purpose” is a part of the problem in finding your true purpose. The idea that each of us is born for some higher purpose and it is our cosmic mission to find it simply isn’t correct. The truth is that we exist on this planet for some undetermined period. During that, we do some important and some unimportant things. 

No humans are alike, not even identical siblings who share the same DNA.

The unimportant ones are just to kill time but those important ones give our lives meaning and happiness. These things that we do defines us and makes us who we are and shapes our minds and characters. They become our purpose of life or life’s purpose.

Passion will not bear fruits without purpose. Nature and humans are designed with a purpose. You need to identify the purpose for your passion. It can be for a charity, greater good, your career, your family or just for enjoyment, there needs to be a purpose to your passion. If you take a closer look, the keyboard is black, it’s the little white letters that matter most. 

Identify your passions


You can’t name your passion, it’s something that cannot be termed or defined. 
Almost nothing great has ever been achieved without passion. Passion is born when you put more energy into something than what you are required to do. It does not merely come from excitement and enthusiasm, it requires you to put your heart, mind, body and soul into an ambition to test your skills and abilities in order to put them into action. Identifying your passion is a tough task and In fact, most of us stumble upon them.

Passion isn't something that lives way up in the sky, in abstract dreams and hopes. It lives at ground level, in the specific details of what you're doing every day. So, what is it that you’re passionate about? It can be anything, from photography, writing, calligraphy, inventions or running a business.

I’m not talking about identifying plain old strengths here. Knowing our strengths and writing to them is beneficial, but going beyond them to what really makes us tick deepens the magic. Often, our strengths and passions intersect, but not always. You need to turn your weaknesses into your strengths, do what you want to do not what others want you to.

Bee to the blossom, moth to the flame; each to his passion; what's in a name?

When you’ve identified it, it will be like a ‘Spark’ a spontaneous combustion of all the firecrackers in your mind and all the butterflies in your stomach. Passion brings out your identity. Makes you one with the thing that you are doing. 

Eccentric they call it is the perfect term for it. It’s not just about money, yourself or the love of doing it. It’s just your passion and you fulfilling your passion and the satisfaction that comes with it.

Jon bon jovi summed it up for us when he said: “Nothing is as important as passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate.” 

Put them together
Once you’ve identified your purpose and passion of your life comes the crucial tasks of putting them together. More often than not most individuals fail at this not because they lack an idea or time but simply because they get occupied with lots of other work that they’re doing.

Don’t let excuses come in the way of this task, once you’re done it the work that you do will no longer work for you. Steve jobs aptly said: “Work? I never worked a day in my life. I always loved what I was doing, had a passion for it.” If he can achieve it so can we. We are capable of achieving any desired result, all it takes is an effort and an execution. How you choose to do it is entirely your choice and your passion will help you drive it.

Your passion is all that you have and you may get only one shot at success.

Passion is a strong emotion, a bond which is born when you catch a glimpse of your full potential. It prompts you into doing things which you are good at, then it compels you to go that extra mile and make them great. That’s what passion does, it simply ignites that zeal in you to achieve your goal. 

This goal can be anything that you excel at be it your studies, job, profession, idea or a relationship. It puts you in a place where you can only march ahead and not look back.

Don’t settle for less. Be limitless. 

Settling for less is not an option, it is the defeat of your passion. People often settle for things which they dislike, jobs they hate and work they abhor and in doing so they let themselves down and their passion die. 

Sometimes it is easier to get into a habit or ritual albeit a boring one; than to look for better opportunities elsewhere or within. You have to leave something behind to go forward.

Pursue your passion, not your pensions. Money isn’t everything, your life is.

We have a short and eventful life to settle for anything less than what we want. The only way to pursue your passion and dream is to stop settling for less. You need to fight all the obstacles that lie between where you are and where you want to be. You are the only limiting factor in limiting yourself, be limitless.

Excellence is a place where passionate people dwell. They never compromise even for the minuscule detail or minor things and that’s what sets them apart and help them reap benefits of their hard work and passion. It is a continuous and arduous journey towards the goals and passion in your life.

Share it

Sharing is caring should be the motto. Don’t do things, just for the sake of it. Be spectacularly great at what you do. Wear your passion on your sleeve and hold your heart in the palm of your hand. And work hard. Really hard. Put your mind and soul into it and then the same mechanical task will become grander, not because you see it but because your passion made you realise that.

Sharing interest is contagious. It creates a bond between people who are like minded and open to the work that you love to do. Be a little cautious of what you share and how much as not all people may share the same enthusiasm as you for the same thing.

Measuring your success

Passion is the genesis of genius. For passionate people there is no end, there is no beginning. There is only the passion of life.Your passion will prompt you to take actions and path that will determine the success that you achieve. Your entire being will be gauged from your passion. Success is not a riddle it’s just a puzzle waiting to complete.

Of course, success involves many other things like intelligence, hard work, leadership, courage, risk, honesty etc. It doesn’t only come with the passion which can be misguided when people think that passion is enough. Passion alone will not make the cut, you will also need to practice it. You will need to find motivations other than money for success

It might make things a little pragmatic, but the world is cruel and you should be ready for failures, rejections, and battles. The practice that you do will make it easier for you to ride the rough seas and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Remember, success does not come easily. Only your passion will keep you company at all times, that’s what it’s supposed to do, keep you going. So, kindle your passion and start doing the things that you love doing.

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