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5 simple ways to Motivate your employees this appraisal season

Planio owns the image. Motivating your employees.
It has been shown in many studies conducted over the years that employees who have high satisfaction with their jobs are more productive, creative and engaged at their companies. For some employees their paychecks are the driving force for motivation, they need something extra to keep them going. 

No matter how absurd it sounds, studies over the subject of motivation in workplaces in both UK and USA have shown that money is the biggest motivator but it isn’t as big it’s made out to be. Sometimes perks, bonuses and paid holidays aren’t enough to keep you employees motivated but these 5 tips on how to motivate your employees might just do the trick. 

Find what motivates them 

First and foremost, please understand that each employee is an individual ‘human’ and all of them perceive, receive and process information differently. Most people love monetary benefits and some have a different take on it. Not all your employees would be working for money, some would be working for passion.

You will need to speak with them individually on a regular basis to learn what motivates them. You can then create tailor made plans for each individual for the activities or things that motivate them.

Once you’ve cracked the safe then the treasure trove will be yours to command.
Flexible work hours Work hours and basic office hygiene must be maintained at all times to keep the decorum and discipline. But, that doesn’t mean you penalise them for reporting late once or twice in a month.

There are genuine reasons behind employees reporting late to their desks ranging from alarms didn’t ring to not feeling well. 
And deducting their salaries or half-day leave will make them bitter and demotivate them.You can instead make employees happy by introducing flexible work hours. They all know what is expected out of them and the kind work that they must produce. 

It will not only enhance their capabilities freeing them from other responsibilities but will also be able to attract new employees. In my experience, it makes people behave more responsibly and adds to their productive time in offices.

I mean who doesn’t like their working schedule to be a bit flexible.
Open up your Work culture 
It has been observed that trainees and new recruits often find it a tad difficult to absorb a new culture and office environment. Sometimes people are unable to adjust with their timings of work and break by simply being shy.

You need to push them to speak with other employees to help them feel welcomed and being part of the team.
It has been noticed that in some workplaces new joiners do not get introduced to their floor or team for weeks which makes them feel uneasy. 

You can introduce your new joiners immediately after you’ve explained them vital policies and procedures in and around the office. This will make new joiners interact with team members and help them in finding a way to know more about work culture and how to get the things done.

Trip or treat
On Halloween, it's said trick or treat but for most employees, the word Tip or treat will ring bells. Every employee loves to hang out with their peers and colleagues well most of them do. Sending them on short trips on weekends to near around places will earn you refreshed and energized employees.

Similarly, rewarding employees with treats for their correct behavior and great performances is also a way to encourage them and motivate others to follow their footsteps to earn it.

A little competition can fetch you desired results as far as the performance goes. The trip or treat way also is a very good way of behavior modification if one wants to try it.

Show them the big picture and tell them they’re part of it.
Not keeping your employees informed is the one mistake I’ve seen owners and managers make all the time. They don’t keep their employees informed for either good or not so good aspects of the company. They tend to either withhold vital information or brush it aside by saying it's confidential. They forget that no information is safe or confidential in this digital era.

Instead if you openly but discreetly speak with your employee(s) and the difficulties or challenges, then there are chances that they will empathize and work harder to keep your worries at bay.

Know this fact “People work for their manager(s)”.
If you tell them what future may hold if they perform in the growth of either the company or the team and show them they’re part of the bigger picture, then they will ensure the success of that task and become more productive. 

You sharing information about the company or plans with them will make them empowered. In turn, they will become shareholders and stakeholders of the entire decision-making process.

Even if you implement all these steps, some employees will want to quit for many reasons not related to work or the kind of work. Simply, you can’t keep people tied to their posts eventually you will have to let few of them go to find what they think is best for them. 

You will need to show them that you care, respect and appreciate them for who they are and what they bring to the table. Even if your employee leaves, asking them to ‘keep in touch in case you need any help’ will do wonders.

I published this blog on LinkedIn.

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