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Looking for a Stocks Rally to come this fall? Invest in these 5 stocks to earn great returns

The stock markets in Canada are witnessing a renewed interest in stock inquiries with Canadian companies having a home run with a vigor. There are stocks which give great dividends and there are some which give great returns. As most stock brokers would advise, you should have a combination of them in your stock portfolio. So, this summer, we at Motley Fools have come up with top 10 stocks that can earn you windfall profits in Autumn 2017.

The Marijuana Stocks:
With PM Justin Trudeau and his cabinet moving towards legalizing clinical cannabis medicines for trials companies that deal with marijuana like Insys Therapeutics saw a jump of 7% in stock prices this April.  Many analysts are predicting that this company’s share could see a higher rally in coming months.

The Big Boy’s Stocks:
These are long-term investments meant to earn you great dividends and offer amazing returns on stock sales. As Glaxo, AbbVie and Johnson & Johnson are expected to gain and earn you best dividends this year after recent legislative tweaks could be great buy this year.

The Technology titans:
As we heard recently Apple has more cash than some of the biggest governments, technology shares will be a great investment for you to invest your money. Last year payment company like Square saw their share prices more than doubled in 1 year and it’s first-quarter results surpassing expectations it could be a great buy for you to earn maximum dividends in coming years.

The Healthcare Niche:
This Healthcare focused REIT Welltower has about 1400 properties in its portfolio of care homes. It’s properties see a higher occupation rate along with higher revenues and with ever increasing demand for healthcare and federal government re-focusing on quality care, this could be potentially the net gainer stock.

The next eCommerce giant:
This Latin American start-up is enjoying a bull run in Nasdaq with amazing sales records. With Gross Merchandise sales hitting the roof with over $2.35 billion in 2016, it is expected to continue showing impressive growth and become a mini Amazon in South American countries.

These stocks may earn you great returns if you buy them at the correct price with our stock broker’s assistance. These stock tips have been compiled with our experienced stock brokers at The Motley Fool who have been keeping a hawk’s eye on these stocks.

These stocks are really good and can earn you good returns. But if you want even better returns on your investment then know about our top 10 stocks than can be even better.

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